Li-Fi - New technology to get connect internet rapidly - Technical Next - Hindi & English

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Li-Fi - New technology to get connect internet rapidly

So far, you have heard about Wi-Fi, 3G, Edge, broad band and GPRS technology to get connect to internet. Now, Chinese scientist have discovered  a new  faster and cheaper way to get connect to internet by using signal sent through a LED bulb instead of usual radio frequency as in Wi-Fi technology. This technology will bring a radical change in the world of internet connectivity. 

This new technology has got its name as Li-Fi on the tune of Wi-Fi by Edinburgh based British University technologist, Herald Haas because it is based on light communication technology. This new technology is suppose to be faster than any existed technology. Right now, Wi-Fi  is fastest technology to get connect computer to internet but it is costly and out of reach of middle middle class and students users.

What is new technology, Li-Fi: This new technology uses a light bulb to connect computers with internet instead of old and usual radio signal technology, faster than exited technology. IT Professor Che Nan, head of research team, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, said that 4 computers can be get connect with one watt LED bulb embedded with microchips can produce 150 megabits per second data rate which is more faster than average broad band connection in China. 

Special feature:- It is faster and cheaper than any existing technology whether it is Wi-Fi or broad band. But Internet users have to wait for this technology because there is need of some improvement in this technology. Right now, this technology is facing a problem; any interruption in light can breaks signal which cause huddle in connectivity.   


The current wireless signal transmission equipment is expensive and low in efficiency, Chi said. "As for cell phones, millions of base stations have been established around the world to strengthen the signal but most of the energy is consumed on their cooling systems," she said. "The energy utilisation rate is only 5 per cent". 

Li-Fi is hyped as a boon to China netizen community, suppose to be the highest in the world with about 600 million connections. Compared with base stations, the number of light bulbs that can be used is practically limitless.


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